Jonathan Broxton Traded to the Brewers


The Milwaukee Brewers have made another trade. After failing to get Justin Morneau from the Rockies, the Brewers reached out to a divisional rival in the Cincinnati Reds. General Manager Doug Melvin mostly asked what relief help they could supply the Brewers for a run to October and the Reds decided to help Melvin out. The Brewers acquired Jonathan Broxton from the Cincinnati Reds in-exchange for two players to be named later.

Broxton, who was the Reds set-up man for the Reds closer Arolids Chapman, is 4-2 on the year with a 1.86 era and seven saves. Broxton is currently at the age of 30 and is signed through next year and has a player option for 2016. Doug Melvin’s mission in this trade was to get a relief pitcher who is signed through the year 2015 and could be available long-term. Broxton, just like with the Reds, will be the set-up man for Brewers closer Francisco Rodriguez that is having a better year then most of us excepted. Broxton will help solve the Brewers eighth inning fiasco where they have no go to guy in that inning to set up K-rod. Broxton will join the team Monday when the Brewers take on the Cubs. Well, Doug Melvin has made 2 great moves this trading season and provide help for the areas the Brewers needed the most help in. Now it’s time to gear up, and get ready for the pennant race!

~Tony Montalto


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