Strouf’s Take: Don’t Panic over Tanner McEvoy


Yeah, I get it, you’re angry over a poor performance by Wisconsin Badgers quarterback Tanner McEvoy on Saturday night. Saturday night against the thirteenth-ranked LSU Tigers, Badgers starting quaterback Tanner McEvoy made his first career start at quarterback, after playing last season at safety, while fellow junior Joel Stave manned the quarterback position.

Now, let’s be honest, McEvoy did have a bad first start, but Joel Stave did not start off as a fantastic quarterback either, or end like one, in fact.

Stave’s first start came against an unranked UTEP team, where he went 12-for-17 with 210 yards, along with one touchdown and interception.

McEvoy’s numbers in his first start weren’t exactly fantastic either, as he threw 8-for-24 with only 50 yards, and an interception.

Now, here’s why you shouldn’t be too concerned about McEvoy: it’s his first start and it was against one of the most elite teams in college football as a whole. UTEP is not exactly a very good football school, so Stave got a pass. When Stave ran into a tougher opponent in 2012 like Michigan State he threw for only 127 yards, and then was benched for the remainder of the season.

The bad thing about Tanner McEvoy is his basement is lower than Stave’s, but his ceiling is also a lot higher. McEvoy brings way more athleticism than Stave, which include speed and strength, making McEvoy a dual threat. It was shown on a twenty-two yard rush by McEvoy that he could run the ball pretty darn well, and that’s something Stave has not been able to do throughout his career.

McEvoy will remain the starter as the season progresses, so it will be fun to watch how he continues to grow throughout the year. The Badgers host Western Illinois on Saturday, which will let Tanner McEvoy develop as a quarterback against a lesser opponent.

~Alex Strouf (@LetsGoAlex)

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  1. everyone deserves a chance to prove what their capable of, not easy but be patient, I agree with Alex.

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