Wisconsin Baseball Central Interview Series: Owen Miller, Illinois State

Featured Image Credit: Hitters


Owen Miller, an Ozaukee high school student, is one of the most talented infielders in the Midwest. He recently signed his letter of intent to play collegiate baseball at Illinois State University. Instead of following the traditional path of a college recruit and playing high school baseball, Miller plays travel ball exclusively. I spoke with Owen about his success on the field, big league aspirations, and more. You can read the entire interview below.

Spencer Flaten (Lead Writer at Wisconsin Baseball Central): You have the unique experience of being an NCAA Division 1 recruit that does not play high school baseball. What went into the decision to play for the Hitters travel team in the summer as opposed to Ozaukee?
Owen Miller: I played for Ozaukee my freshman year and I felt as though it would be much more beneficial for me to travel with Hitters in the summer so I could get recruited more.  It was a tough decision for me but I am really glad I made that decision because it has opened up many more opportunities for me and made me a better ball player.
SF: What was the overall recruiting process like for you?
OM: Going into the recruiting process, I did not know what to really expect.  It went faster than what I thought.  There were a couple of schools I talked to and many I received emails from.  In the end, I chose Illinois State because it was the right fit for me.
SF: What drew you to Illinois State? What do you like best about their program?
OM: I really feel that the coaches at Illinois State have a great relationship with their players.  I think Coach Durkac is a great coach and I was unbelievably excited to hear that he was selected to be the head coach for this year.  I also like the distance of ISU as it’s a little over 3 hours away for my friends and family to see me play.  I also believe that Illinois State would give me the best chance to develop as a player in college.
SF: Talk a little about your experience with the Hitters over the years.
OM: I have played with Hitters for the past 3 seasons in the spring and the past 2 in the summer.  It has been an unbelievable experience over the years and I have had a lot of fun meeting and playing with new people.  Also, the winter workouts have really improved my game because of RJ [Fergus, the Hitters head coach] and the coaches really pushing us to get better.
SF: You had a good summer this year playing for the Hitters. What areas of your game do you feel have led to success for you?
OM: I feel that my ability to hit consistently has really helped me get to the point where I am today.  I work on that part of the game the most and hope to keep improving so I can have success in the future.
SF: You’ve had experience playing in renowned tournaments across the country. How do you think that has helped your development as a player?
OM: Playing in big tournaments in the states of Tennessee, Missouri, and Florida has helped me realize that there is tons of good competition out there and it has made me work harder on my game.

SF: RJ Fergus has been quoted as saying that he believes you will play professional baseball in the future. Is that something you agree with, and is it your ultimate goal?
OM: RJ has coached many players that have played pro baseball and I have worked very hard towards that goal under him.  It is definitely my ultimate goal to get there someday.

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