Wisconsin Baseball Central Interview Series: Kenosha St. Joesph’s Pete Schuler, Kent State

Pete Schuler, a catcher from Kenosha St. Joseph high school and the top ranked player in Wisconsin’s class of 2015 by the Prep Baseball Report, was named to the 2nd team all-state squad last spring after a dominant season. With a commitment to Kent State University in the bag, Schuler is excited for the new season to begin. Check out the interview with Pete below, covering things from his team’s performance last spring to his experience with Kent State.

Spencer Flaten (Lead writer at Wisconsin Baseball Central): Last spring was a bit of a surprising one for Kenosha St. Joe’s. You guys started the season ranked #1 in Division 3 but never quite performed at that level during the year. Can you just talk about last spring a little?
Pete Schuler: Even though the season may not have went as planned, I thought we took some steps forward as a program. We had some key injuries [arm issues] to our starting pitching in Jimmy O’Lear, and another in our starting center fielder Zach Dutter late in the year with a high ankle sprain that he battled through. At times we just weren’t consistent enough to be one of the top teams in the state, and that is pretty much all it boils down to.
SF: It was a really good spring for you individually though. You were named a 2nd team all-state player by the Wisconsin Baseball Coaches Association. How much did that mean to you?
PS: Being named 2nd Team all-state was an honor. None of it could have happened without the guys around me. We had guys who supported one another and that’s all I could ask for. It meant a ton playing with the guys that I did.
SF: You’ve been ranked as the best senior in Wisconsin by the Prep Baseball Report for quite some time now. Do you feel any pressure because of that?
PS: Being ranked number 1 in the state by PBR is an honor also, but at the end of the day it’s just a number that they slap next to your name. It puts a bulls-eye on your back for other guys to try and take your spot, so it just makes you work that much harder. I’ve learned that if you think of it as pressure, then you will press and try to do things that you are not capable of doing. At the end of the day, it’s just baseball.
SF: What was the recruiting process like for you? What schools showed an interest in you besides Kent State?
PS: The recruiting process could sometimes get a bit overwhelming with all the phone calls and trying to arrange visits to certain schools, but it was all worth it. It was not a very long process for me, however, since I committed in the fall of my junior year. Other schools interested in me were Illinois, Indiana, Indiana State, Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland, Pittsburgh, Michigan, and Michigan State.
SF: In the end, what was it about Kent State that made you want to join their program?
PS: What I really like about Kent State are the coaches, the facilities, academics, and the tradition they have going on with the baseball program. They put themselves in a good position every year to be successful, and that’s hard to turn down. They have a top notch academic program that suits me well and will allow me to get my degree in 4 years. Overall though, what made me choose Kent State are the coaches and all the professional experience they bring to the program. I felt a connection with them and I knew that was the coaching staff I wanted to play baseball for.
SF: What has your experience playing with the GRB Rays been like?
PS: My experience with the GRB Rays has been outstanding. Playing with a great group of guys that got after it all summer and grinded it out is always fun. I don’t know if I would have been able to accomplish the things that I did without the help of Greg Reinhard and Max Cordio. They were there for any questions I had recruiting-wise or for the game of baseball. Their dedication and knowledge for the game is more than I could have asked for. I would not be where I am today without the help from all the instructors at GRB.
SF: What are you expecting out of your senior season, both individually and from your team?
PS: Personally, I’m expecting to raise the bar from where I was last year, both offensively and defensively, but primarily behind the plate. My main focus as the season rolls around is to be one of the top defensive catchers in the state. I’m expecting our team to learn from last year. We know we have to be more consistent if we want to reach our goal. We have a lot of veteran players this year, and some new guys as well, that I am confident will help us reach our goal, which is ultimately the state tournament.

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