Five Players That the Brewers Should Look to Trade

Featured Image: Charles LeClaire-USA TODAY Sports

By Tony Montalto

The Milwaukee Brewers are coming off a eight-game winning streak that brought excitement and hope back to the fans and the organization itself. Even with the streak, it seems like the Brewers will still miss the playoffs for the fourth straight year. If you ask me and many other fans, it’s time for the rebuilding to start in Milwaukee, and it should start this month. Here are five players the Brewers should trade to start the rebuild.

#5 Aramis Ramirez

This is Aramis Ramirez last season in Major League Baseball, so why not give him a chance to win the World Series? Trading Ramirez to a contender may not get the Brewers a lot due to age, but they have to think about what is best for Ramirez’s sake. That’s not losing baseball, as he is trying to enjoy himself in his final year.

#4 Carlos Gomez

I love Carlos Gomez as much as the next guy, but the Brewers won’t be able to afford Gomez after his contract is up come the Winter of 2016, and it’s better off that the Brewers look to get young prospects in-exchange for Gomez. Gomez is a five-tool player, and he is still under the age of 30. There is a ton of young talent the Brewers could get for Gomez.

#3 Matt Garza

It’s hard to believe that Garza’s time in Milwaukee may be just over after 1 1/2 seasons with the team after signing a four-year deal worth 50 million prior to the 2014 season. Sure, Garza’s numbers are terrible this season, but he is a guy that can be a missing piece to a great rotation in contention. We see him in the dugout, always enjoying himself and making his teammates happy.

#2 Adam Lind

I think this would be the hardest player to see go. Us Brewers fans have seen first baseman after first baseman come into Milwaukee to try to replace Prince Fielder. Adam Lind is doing a fantastic job, as he was expected to be in a platoon with Jonathan Lucroy for first base this season. I wonder why we haven’t been seeing the platoon used at all. Lind is having a bounce back season, which could be huge for a contending team in need for a first baseman. The Brewers could make other teams dig really deep for a guy like Lind now.

#1 Kyle Loshe

Just like Matt Garza, Kyle Loshe doesn’t have the greatest numbers in the whole entire world as well. Just like Garza again, most teams need a guy that can be a back end rotation guy if need be, and Loshe who has been apart of Major League Baseball for quite some time can do just that.

~Tony Montalto

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