Two Memories of The Ole Gunslinger

Green Bay, Wis–  

By Tony Nechvatal and Arrick Upton

Arrick Upton:

  Just saying the name Brett Favre brings so many memories to my head.  As a kid growing up in the “Brett Favre Era” I knew just one starting quarterback for my home team and man was he a blast to watch.  Brett Favre was just one of those “cool” guys who a kid wants to be like and wants to imitate on the football field, I sure know I did.
Brett brought so much fun and excitement to the game and just by watching Brett not only on Sundays, but also on the practice field you knew that number four loved the game of football.  I can vividly recall myself as a youngster out in the yard with friends throwing the football around and imagining myself as Brett Favre and tossing around his famous bullet passes, or his crazy shovel passes he often pulled out of nowhere, or chucking up his deep balls that made us all hold our breath during games.

I’ve said it before and I will proudly say it again, Brett Favre is not just my favorite player in NFL history but I can proudly say he is my favorite athlete of all time.  As a kid growing up in Green Bay just minutes from the hallowed grounds of Lambeau Field I spent hours upon hours at Packers training camp.  As all other kids who grew up in or around Green Bay can attest to getting a man like Brett Favre’s autograph was something you dream about and I can proudly say as my time as a young Packers autograph seeker I obtained four autographs from number four and to this day they remain as my favorite Packers possessions.

So to wrap this up, my favorite Brett Favre memory would have to be just the fact that I was privileged enough to watch him not only on game days win or lose but in person countless times on the practice field.  I know this seems like a generic answer but how can you pick out just one memory from such a prolific career? I know I can not.  To me, Brett Favre is simply one of the greatest to ever play the game, and that’s a damn good memory to have.

Watching the ole gunslinger for as long as I did also gives me a mentality of doing everything to your fullest capability and just giving it everything you have just as Brett did day after day.

Tony Nechvatal

It’s very hard to just pick one thing that stands out the most when you think of Brett Favre. He’s the greatest player to ever put on a green and gold uniform. When I think of the Green Bay Packers, #4 still comes to my head before anything. And when I think of Brett Favre, I see him running across the Superdome, raising his helmet celebrating a touchdown pass to Andre Rison. That’s where his legacy took the next step. He brought the Lombardi trophy back to Title Town. He made it look easy a lot of the time, despite all those interceptions. From winning the Super Bowl, to the Oakland game after his dad’s death, not many players will ever accomplish, or take on the challenges that Favre went through, which is why he will always be my favorite Packer of all time. 

Thank you for the amazing memories Brett!

-Arrick Upton (@ArrickUpton on Twitter) and Tony Nechvatal

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